Monday, 4 April 2016

Kemitraan Dinonaktifkan

RAMDANI yang terhormat,

Baru-baru ini Anda mungkin menerima email dari tentang status akun AdSense Anda. Tanpa akun AdSense yang valid, Anda tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam Program Mitra YouTube. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang akun AdSense yang mungkin telah ditangguhkan untuk sementara karena ada aktivitas klik yang tidak valid atau alasan lainnya terkait kebijakan, lihat artikel berikut:

Jika Anda banding dan akun AdSense dipulihkan, kemitraan YouTube Anda akan dipulihkan dan prosesnya mungkin butuh waktu 48 jam. Perhatikan bahwa membuat lebih dari satu akun AdSense bertentangan dengan Persyaratan dan Ketentuan AdSense.

Hormat kami,

Tim YouTube

©2016 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Google AdSense Account Disabled


With our advertising programs we strive to create an online ecosystem that benefits publishers, advertisers, and users. For this reason we sometimes have to take action against accounts that show behavior towards users or advertisers that may negatively impact how the ecosystem is perceived. In your case, we have detected invalid activity on your AdSense account and as a result it has been disabled.

We are limited in the amount of information we can provide about your specific violation. We understand that you may want more information about your account activity. However, in order to protect our proprietary detection systems, we are unable to provide further details.

In some cases publishers can make significant changes to correct the violation and are willing to comply with the AdSense program policies. For this reason, we offer an appeal process as an opportunity to work with you to resolve the issue. Please be sure to provide a complete analysis of your traffic or other reasons that may have generated invalid activity in your appeal. Submit your appeal using this form and we will follow up accordingly. Before submission, please review the list of the top reasons for account closure.

Thanks for your understanding.


The Google AdSense Team


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